@echo off title TuTiTuCraft Mod Setup set /p install=Is fabric MC 1.21 installed? [Y/N]: if not exist %temp%\TuTiTuCraft md %temp%\TuTiTuCraft if /i not '%install%'=='n' goto :mods cls echo Downloading installer . . . if not exist %temp%\TuTiTuCraft\fabric-installer.exe powershell -c "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://maven.fabricmc.net/net/fabricmc/fabric-installer/1.0.1/fabric-installer-1.0.1.exe' -OutFile '%temp%\TuTiTuCraft\fabric-installer.exe'" call :error cls echo 1. Wait for window . . . echo 2. Set "Minecraft Version" to "1.21" echo 3. DO NOT change any other options and press "install" echo 4. After install is complete, close the installer start /w %temp%\TuTiTuCraft\fabric-installer.exe :mods cls echo Downloading old mod names . . . powershell -c "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://hersheylightning.com/mod/expired.txt' -OutFile '%temp%\TuTiTuCraft\old'" call :error cls echo Deleting old mods . . . for /f "usebackq" %%I in ("%temp%\TuTiTuCraft\old") do del "%appdata%\.minecraft\mods\%%I.jar" cls echo Downloading new mods . . . powershell -c "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://hersheylightning.com/mod/mods.zip' -OutFile '%temp%\TuTiTuCraft\mods.zip'" call :error cls echo Extracting new mods . . . powershell -c "Expand-Archive '%temp%\TuTiTuCraft\mods.zip' '%appdata%\.minecraft\mods' -Force" cls echo All mods downloaded, have fun! pause goto:eof :error if %ERRORLEVEL% neq 0 ( echo an error has occured! echo try to check your internet connection pause exit )